Gods and Monsters Trilogy Review
First off... lets just take a moment here to appreciate the art work here for a second Okay, this series is beyond incredible and it had me all sorts of fucked up! The main character, Jane is a bad ass but more so then that she is not your typical female lead. This book does come with warnings, but let me tell you. Especially in the first book there are scenes of rape and child abuse, distorted images of self worth, mental abuse, attempted suicide... and all those things that Jane experienced were well into adult hood. From people that were supposed to protect her to the ones that should have loved her.... even her looks played a part in how she felt and of her own image (yet she was gorgeous). I know I don't like to give out spoilers but i think those things should be known from the beginning, and trust me it does not take away from the story. It is what has made Jane who she is and man does she have a big heart... She loves d...